Saturday, November 22, 2008

Ellen Moran

News Report - Ellen Moran Emily s list, Dan Pfeiffer, Robert gibbs.

Barack Obama has named Ellen Moran to be his director of communications at the White House.[OneNewsNow]

Anita Dunn, another key figure in the campaign, isn't going to the White House, but the administration will be bringing in an outsider in the senior job of communications director: Emily's List executive director Ellen Moran.[Politico]

Hillary Rodham Clinton during the Democratic presidential primary. Moran will join a team of longtime close advisers who will work closely with Obama on a daily basis. [The Associated Press]

President-elect Barack Obama announced on Saturday that close aide Robert Gibbs would be White House press secretary and Ellen Moran of women's organization Emily's List would be director of communications.Obama said Dan Pfeiffer, who heads the Obama transition team's communications office, would serve at the White House as deputy director of communications.[Reuters]

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