Friday, November 21, 2008

Sidwell Friends

News Report - Sidwell Friends School Washington DC

Barack and Michelle Obama will send their daughters to the private Sidwell Friends School when the family moves into the White House in January. []

The daughters of president-elect Barack Obama will attend private Sidwell Friends School when they move into the White House in January.[Washington Post]

The Associated Press is reporting that the Obamas have chosen the Sidwell Friends School in Washington for daughters Sasha, seven years old, and Malia, 10. The private Quaker school’s alumni include former presidential offspring Chelsea Clinton and Tricia Nixon Cox, as well as House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank and a former princess of Japan.[Wall Street Journal Blogs]

Sidwell has 1,097 students from pre-kindergarten through the 12th grade. The school, founded in 1883, is known both for its academic rigor and stressing service. Tuition for the lower school, which has students through fourth grade, is $28,442 annually this year, according to the school's Web site. The middle and upper school tuition is $29,442 a year. [Bloomberg]

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